explain the rationale behind the safeguarding and welfare requirementsst elizabeth family medicine residency utica, ny

However, in care homes where this is not the case, managers will need to spend more time supporting staff and learning from safeguarding enquiries. CLEFT LIP AND PALATE ASSOCIATION (CLAPA)CLAPA provides support for parents, and for people with the condition and their families. Diabetes UK is the largest organisation in the UK working for people with diabetes. They provide a specialist service for parents and professionals seeking help in feeding babies with cleft lips and palates.Annual conference: held in September. Fragile X Society supports those with Fragile X syndrome - the most common cause of inherited learning disability - their families and professionals working with them. The committee also reviewed existing health and social care guidance. The recommendations may also improve the safety and quality of care and support for care home staff, residents and visitors. Discriminatory abuse is important to highlight because it may be difficult to recognise, and may also involve other types of abuse or neglect. ,oy:\D g}Y Return to recommendations Although there was some quantitative evidence on the effectiveness of safeguarding training, there were concerns with this evidence. While having policies and procedures in place is important, care homes and care home providers can have problems ensuring that staff follow these. The committee did not believe that holding return-to-work meetings would be a substantial change in practice. The recommendations should help reduce these risks. Although there was no evidence on this the committee agreed it would be helpful to specify that this should take place within 6weeks of starting work. However, the content of training may vary across care homes, and some care homes may need to adapt their training programmes to make sure that safeguarding forms part of all new employee inductions within 6weeks of starting work. Care homes may need to do more to help their staff understand these indicators. First-aid at work: four-day practical course, including an examination. NHS Connect is the professional and training development arm of the National Childbirth Trust. There may be an increase in the number of requests for training. Cotham students will be aware of how to seek support if safeguarding issues arise. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to make recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. They made recommendations on how these systems should be used to record and share information. Additional resources should not be needed for care homes to appoint safeguarding champions, because the champions are expected to be existing staff members. Recommendations on financial and material abuse are needed because, while staff are often experienced at recognising other types of abuse, they may find it more difficult to recognise certain types of financial and material abuse. Additionally, early years providers must "have regard" to other provisions in these sections. However, this evidence also suggested that managers may be unwilling to implement learning from training programmes or make changes to care home procedures, which may negate any benefits associated with training. These areas areconnected, with learning in one particular area supporting learning in the others. The committee agreed that this should be encouraged at all levels, to help create a care home culture where safeguarding is central and transparency is established. Instead, the committee based these recommendations on a review of existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance (see the context and evidence review C for details of the guidance). Help is at hand from the Child Bereavement Society, which runs a course called Grief and bereavement in early years settings. MONTESSORI CENTRE INTERNATIONALSpecial Educational Needs course: an introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of special needs education. Courses include: Keyhole Training: this 12 hour course (divided into five sessions) is aimed at anyone working with pre-school children with an ASD in an Early Years setting group. To address this potential issue, the committee made a recommendation on assessing how well training is working and whether it is being used to improve practice. Professional Training Solutions provide a number of workshops relevant to early years practitioners, including: ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND (RNIB). Identifies practical strategies to adjust our language and the way we communicate. Theoretical perspectives on child abuse. Helping children with dyslexia and dyspraxia: practical guide for recognising early signs of dyslexia and dyspraxia. This is in line with standards that already exist, such as Adult Safeguarding: Roles and competencies for Health Care Staff 2018, but there is still inconsistent practice in this area. As a result, the committee agreed that it is important to emphasise that training should not be a one-off event. ACORN CHILDCARE TRAINING. CHILD ACCIDENT PREVENTION TRUSTAn organisation that works with 25,000 frontline staff who work with children, young people, and their families, as well as with senior practitioners and policymakers to encourage best practice around child injury prevention through partnership and networking events, bespoke training packages, specialist master classes on child injury prevention, fact sheets, good practice guides and child safety resources for professionals. Although evidence on implementing learning in care homes was available, this did not focus specifically on using findings from past safeguarding referrals and enquiries in the care home. Psychological abuse affects the safety, health and wellbeing of other residents, staff and visitors. A "Complete Childcare Package" is also available combining all seven early years training resources. NATIONAL ECZEMA SOCIETYThe National Eczema Society gives advice and assistance on lifestyle changes and self-help measures to help keep eczema under control. There was a lack of detail regarding study methodology, making quality assessment difficult. There was a good amount of qualitative evidence on the barriers and facilitators to identifying abuse and neglect in care homes. Good whistleblowing policies are important and help support a culture in which staff feel able to report concerns. The committee had low confidence in the qualitative evidence about this issue. The evidence suggested that in some care homes, training only covers a basic understanding of adult protection policies and procedures, which staff may not then know how to apply in their daily work. More resources may be needed for a multi-agency approach to safeguarding, but it should improve the quality and safety of care and support. In addition, they linked the recommendations to Care Act statutory requirements for local authorities. There may be a cost for care homes who choose to provide external whistleblowing services, which is why the committee only ask care homes to consider using this service. The requirements explain what early years providers must do to. There were also methodological concerns regarding some of the studies, for example in relation to recruitment strategies and data analysis processes. While it is not clear yet what will be included in the welfare section of the reformed EYFS, there are certain courses which must still be booked. They agreed that involving people in decision making will help them achieve the outcomes they want, and make it more likely that they will receive safe and effective care after the enquiry ends. In turn, this should help reduce the under-reporting of safeguarding concerns. Existing relationships between care homes and local authorities may vary. There is some variation across the UK in the way care homes conduct training, although the contracts that providers have with local authorities will tend to encourage best practice and standardisation. The committee built on this evidence with their own expertise. how and when care homes should be working with the local Safeguarding Adults Board. Protection refers to guarding children who have been abused. First-aid course: two-day, in-depth course covering all aspects of first-aid, including dealing with anaphylactic shock. This may have cost implications, but access to support is a statutory right under the Care Act 2014 and is part of the Making Safeguarding Personal framework. If the research allows care homes to better utilise these reviews to improve practice, the safety and wellbeing of care home residents will improve. As a result of the limitations of the evidence, the committee also used their own expertise, and their knowledge of statutory guidance requirements, to make a recommendation. Recommendations 1.4.1 to 1.4.24 and 1.5.1. The committee used qualitative themes from research evidence on responding to and managing safeguarding concerns in care homes, and support and information needs for everyone involved in safeguarding concerns in care homes. Care home managers may need to re-assess how they engage with safeguarding training. Care homes should already have a safeguarding policy and procedure, and the recommendations reflect statutory requirements. More detailed information on safeguarding training and the competencies that different staff need is covered in Adult Safeguarding: Roles and competencies for Health Care Staff 2018. Finally, local authorities will need to offer feedback and practical support to care homes. The evidence also included data on how to reduce the risk or incidence of abuse and neglect by learning from past safeguarding issues in the care home. Contact regional associations direct for details of training on: PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT (PSD). Ensuring that care home staff can regularly take part in safeguarding training may lead to an increase in resource use, particularly if care homes choose to use external organisations to deliver these programmes. Local authorities will need to identify a single point of contact for care homes, which in some cases will be a change in practice. Enable is the largest membership organisation in Scotland for people with learning disabilities and for family carers. Planning Tool Training: one-day training courses from Autumn 2011 designed to enable use of the Planning Tool for Involving Children and Young People in Healthcare. The recommendations should lead to greater consistency. This may mean that managers have to place greater emphasis on reflective practice and shared learning among staff. Care home staff need to be able to recognise these indicators and act upon them. Managers may need to dedicate time specifically to collating data and sharing findings with staff. Some organisations will need to review how they provide support. It also affects the safety, health and wellbeing of other residents, staff and visitors, and can lead to false allegations of abuse and neglect against staff and care homes. Areas covered include the role of the appointed person, health and safety of the early years environment, the first-aid box, emergency procedures, children's accidents and how to record them. Prevention refers to stopping children from being abused. Instead, it is more likely to be a cumulative consequence of how services are managed, led and funded. Commissioners may need to do more to promote good communication and working relationships with care homes, but this could be achieved without additional resources. The committee recommended that care homes should ask for feedback from residents and families to find out what they thought about the way that safeguarding issues were addressed and managed in the home. EYFS and safeguarding: practitioners can choose from a variety of interactive seminars including keeping children safe from harm, special educational needs and disability awareness, running a successful nursery business and consulting with children.Quality improvement programmes: a range of 15 programmes helping nurseries to develop practices against a set of quality standards through online training. Qualitative evidence suggested that recording actions or preventative measures and sharing these with colleagues can help staff to safeguard residents more effectively. If they are not already doing so, they will need to promote a positive culture and encourage greater collaboration between their members and partner organisations, especially care homes. The committee felt that some indicators are more serious or urgent than others. Safeguarding is the general idea that nobody should have to live in an environment where they are being neglected or abused. Medication misuse can be a sign of neglect or physical abuse, so the committee included slightly different indicators in both sections. For example, if staff have a better understanding of abuse and neglect, they may raise more concerns and there may be an increase in safeguarding referrals and enquiries. These included qualitative themes from research evidence on progressing safeguarding concerns and information needs, and existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance on recognising and reporting abuse and neglect in care homes. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. 26 February 2021. However, doing so will help care homes manage safeguarding issues more proactively, and deal with early warning signs of potential organisational abuse and neglect. There were also concerns regarding the adequacy of data, as most of the themes in the evidence were based on limited data. %%EOF The committee used their experience and expertise to make the recommendation on reporting suspected abuse and neglect, and who to contact if the problems are with the management of the care home. They also included a consensus-based recommendation on self-neglect as they agreed that this issue is especially important, because self-neglect in care homes raises questions about the balance between individual choice and the home's duty of care. A school information pack is available.Eczema - supporting and managing this misunderstood condition: topics include childhood atopic eczema. Qualitative evidence indicated that multi-agency working and learning can help to improve safeguarding practice. There are Laws that give the children the right to be safe from any form of harm or abuse. There is variation in how support is currently provided. There may be an increase in the number of requests for training. Involving parents in their child's learning, Early Years Alliance is the trading name of the Pre-school Learning Alliance. Reflecting on these observations means practitioners can shape learning experiences for individual children. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. Staff can find themselves supporting families and children with special needs with which they are unfamiliar. Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements previously seen as guidance (shoulds) which are now legal requirements (musts) are highlighted below: Section 3 - The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements Introduction INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. Some, such as being denied freedom of movement, are also enshrined in law (for example the Human Rights Act, Article 5: right to liberty and security). ]6>XlYPCR*`S, `Z9@ 0CT5 The implications for care home resources should not be significant, and some of the ways of working suggested may already be in place in some or most care homes. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (NASEN)NASEN promotes the education, training, advancement and development of all people with special educational needs. 04002826. The evidence also emphasised the value that residents place on support from family, friends or advocates in helping them achieve their desired outcomes. There was no research evidence identified in this area. The guidance the committee reviewed made little mention of this. The evidence highlighted the challenges associated with partnership working, and the difficulties in communicating with care homes. Smacking or any other kind of punishment that may have an adverse effect on a childs well-being must be strictly forbidden. hild protection: one-day course covering the Children Act 1989. Organisational abuse is distinct from other types of abuse or neglect because it is generally not directly caused by individual action or inaction. The main concerns were around bias (as most studies were not randomised) and imprecision in effect estimates. Connecting with Autism is a recognised AQA Unit Award qualification Level 3.BASPCAN'Safeguarding Children in the 21st Century: Where to now?' The committee felt that this was an important area, and built on the evidence using their own expertise. While these skills are probably rarely used, early years staff need to be confident and proficient in them, so it is essential to arrange regular refresher training. This evidence did not demonstrate any differences in costs or effectiveness between 2 different programmes. It looks at skin damage caused by the sun, precautions and policy considerations. endstream endobj startxref Inclusion is key to effective practice in the EYFS, which places such emphasis on the individual child. 4539003) There are rules around what information must be available to parents/carers, including information on how the EYFS is being delivered, the activities and experiences that are provided, policies and procedures, emergency contact details, and information about the childs key person. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. Dame Clare Tickell, in her review of the EYFS, recommends that the welfare section of the EYFS is renamed the 'safeguarding and welfare requirements' and that the welfare requirements are redrafted to improve their clarity. Care homes will have to check that their safeguarding leads have the relevant skills and competencies to assess and act on concerns. However, any additional costs may be justified by the improvements in staff knowledge, competence and confidence, which will provide better quality of care for residents. Its imperative to have fully-implemented safeguarding policies at childcare settings and to have a designated safeguarding lead that liaises with the relevant local authorities. Paediatric first-aid: certificated course inspected and controlled by the Health and Safety Executive. Portage's four main activities are: weekly home visits by a trained home visitor; weekly written teaching activities designed for the individual child and parent; teaching and recording carried out by the parent; and weekly supervision by the home visitor. The charity has support groups for one-parent families, parents of triplets or more, special needs families, those who have lost one or more of a multiple-birth set, and those who are expecting or have twins, triplets or more as a result of fertility treatment. Although the practitioner might be acting in the best interest of the person, they may be operating within the constraints of their role. The EYFS requires early years providers to show consideration of the following ten areas of safeguarding and welfare. Providers must take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well. The EYFS defines what records must be kept on both children and staff, and how and where to store them confidentially, and when to share them (with parents, other professionals, the police, social services and Ofsted), as appropriate. The qualitative evidence also had problems. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. Child protection: a guide to current policy and practice. MA Education 2023. For care homes where this is not the case, care home managers and care home providers will need to make major changes in leadership style. There were also issues with the qualitative evidence. ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS (RoSPA). adequacy, as the themes were based on relatively limited data. The guidance highlighted the challenges associated with whistleblowing and the impact whistleblowing can have on care homes, staff and volunteers. This was mostly due to issues with: the study methods, such as the processes used to analyse the data, the relevance of the data, as it was not clear whether data was specific to safeguarding (rather than more general quality of care) or whether data had been generated in care settings other than care homes. The EYFS also includes the new paediatric first aid (PFA) training requirement that all newly qualified entrants to the early years workforce with a Level 2 or 3 qualification must also have either a full or emergency PFA certificate within 3 months of starting work. The committee made these recommendations because the business impact of safeguarding enquiries is often overlooked, but can be detrimental to care homes. These recommendations encourage openness about lessons learned across agencies, and emphasise the factors that might help care homes to make their culture more positive. The aim of these recommendations is to help people better understand when a safeguarding referral should be made and when a referral should not be made. It is important that you consult these documents before setting up your provision and ensure that you comply with their requirements. The majority of training programmes are linked to the learning outcomes in the learning disability pathway of the new Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care Diploma and the level 2 and 3 certificates in supporting people with learning disabilities.Communication and Autism: an insight into the complexities of communication for individuals with autism. There must be procedures in place for when children get ill, suitable first-aid facilities, written records, and healthy snacks, meals and drinks.The areas used for food preparation must be adequately equipped and food hygiene training for anyone preparing or handling food is essential. TAMBA provides information and support networks for families of twins, triplets and more. r:mXA@f%th=wH-> ^eT9a`] 8c"\ mzF~ However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to make recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. Residents will often need emotional and practical support while an enquiry is taking place. The welfare of children and adults is paramount and they have an equal right to protection from abuse whatever their age, culture, ability or disability, gender, language, racial . Some of the indicators of neglect may also be indicators of self-neglect. Care homes may need to update their systems to ensure that safeguarding concerns (and patterns of concerns) can be monitored. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children's health or development, ensuring that children grow-up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. But this would be outweighed by the benefits of making staff aware of who to share concerns with, which should increase the speed of responses to safeguarding. There is currently wide variation in what is communicated during safeguarding enquiries and how clear the outcomes are. The strength of the evidence was limited, but the committee made recommendations in areas where the evidence aligned with their own experience and expertise. BRITISH RED CROSSFirst-aid for baby and child: UK-wide courses for anyone wishing to learn first aid skills for babies and children.First-aid for child carers: designed to meet the first aid training needs of child minders and child carers. The committee therefore also used the Making Safeguarding Personal framework and the Care Act 2014. Understanding children on the Autistic Spectrum: the indications that should concern early years practitioners and the implications for development and life chances. recommendations in the Safeguarding children and Safer Recruitment in Education (2007). Local authorities may also need to learn more about the reputational risks to care homes and effects on staff morale when they are involved in safeguarding enquiries. Safeguarding children with disabilities: this course aims to ensure that participants can safeguard disabled children from harm through an increased awareness of their vulnerability to abuse. If they do not, training may be needed. fv kxhisq!ujyqHTNO @*R^uS There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. The recommendations are for care home managers and local agencies, to ensure that organisations can implement this at the local level. The committee agreed that this is a crucial area and they built on the evidence with their own expertise. There was no research evidence identified on safeguarding leads. On successful completion, candidates will receive a certificate valid for three years. Safeguarding can be implemented by anybody who comes into contact with individuals at risk of this type of treatment, such as children or vulnerable adults. This guideline aims to complement these other sources of guidance, rather than duplicate them. Funded entitlement offers - what is changing? SAFEGUARDING POLICY Rationale The purpose of this policy is to ensure that procedures are in place so that every student and member of staff is safe and protected. Although the committee were able to draw on their own knowledge and experience, they felt that the gap in the evidence indicated that a research recommendation was needed about the views of care home residents in relation to their experiences of safeguarding enquiries. Some qualitative evidence was available, but the committee had limited confidence in it. Some staff may also need more support to benefit from training. Care Quality Commission standards cover basic safeguarding training for all staff (CQC: Regulation 13 - Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment and CQC: Safeguarding Adults - Roles and responsibilities in health and care services) so this is not a new requirement and is unlikely to lead to significant resource implications. The aim of these recommendations is to help people better understand when a safeguarding referral should be made and when a referral should not be made. You're probably well aware that the EYFS is a very detailed document, and when it comes to safeguarding and welfare, there is lots to take in. Safeguarding Adults Boards should not need additional resources, but some will need to change the way they work. This includes ensuring that agency staff have the necessary training. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. Providers must take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well. The overarching aim is to improve the levels of knowledge, understanding and skills of those interfacing with ASD and their carers. These sources highlight the importance of involving people fully as possible in decisions and giving them the information and support they need to participate. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) includes a requirement that to count in the staff child ratios at Level 3, staff who hold an Early Years Educator qualification must also hold a Level 2 English and mathematics qualification.

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