is district 300 going back to schoolteaching aboriginal culture in early childhood

(please note: fee waiver eligibility is based on Board policy 4:140). Important student nutrition and meal program information for the 2022-2023 school year can be found in the Parents Guide to Student Nutrition. Before the first day of school, the District will send a message to all parents to communicate notable COVID-19 information for the upcoming school year. High school students (and their parents/guardians) may contact their high schools main office about parking permit availability, applications, and payment should they have interest and did not receive communication. Tambin se puede acceder a los formularios de exclusin de forma individual haciendo clic en cualquiera de los enlaces a continuacin: Se ha eximido la cuota de inscripcin para el ao escolar 2022-2023 para apoyar a las familias que pueden haber enfrentado dificultades debido a la pandemia. La aplicacin Rastreador de Durham Bus proporciona un mtodo preciso para que los padres y los estudiantes monitoreen la ubicacin de un autobs en particular y/o los posibles retrasos en la llegada a una parada especfica. This bus backpack pass will include the students afternoon bus route information and. ALGONQUIN, IL Five Once the app is downloaded, parents and guardians can find instructions on how to use the app at Use of the app is purely voluntary. Mesa News. Otros sntomasque les impiden participar en la escuela, tales como: Dolores de cabeza, dolores de cuerpo, dolores de odo. A Texas school district canceled a field trip to see a performance of "James and the Giant Peach" after a single parent complained that actors were dressed in The district and all students and staff will comply with all COVID-19 mitigation requirements imposed by IHSA or athletic/extracurricular conference officials, or competition host sites. Sexton bought a condo about 10 miles from his longtime house in Crossville with his wife Lacey in July 2020 for $184,900, according to property records. Students must be up to date with the health exam and immunization requirements before the first day of attendance. Para obtener informacin sobre cmo ver el horario de su estudiante, consulte el siguiente tutorial paso a paso. Students can follow the on screen prompts to complete this action. Puede encontrar una lista de inmunizaciones/vacunas requeridas en Other symptoms that prevent them from participating in school, such as: District 300 asks parents and guardians to use the following guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities: Fever-free for at least 24 hours, without medication, Free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. Puede regresar a la escuela cinco das despus del inicio de los sntomas o de dar positivo, si no tiene fiebre durante 24 horas. La aplicacin Rastreador de Durham Bus proporciona un mtodo preciso para que los padres y los estudiantes monitoreen la ubicacin de un autobs en particular y/o los posibles retrasos en la llegada a una parada especfica. Families can and should verify their student transportation information in the PowerSchool Parent Portal to confirm their students' most current bus stop information. topics have been arranged alphabetically to optimize organization. She took first in the 100-meter dash (11.63 seconds) and 200-meter dash (25.01 seconds). Due to the volume of students the district transports daily, please understand that transportation change requests cannot be accommodated during the first few weeks of school. Si usted o su estudiante no recuerdan su contrasea, pueden intentar recuperarla utilizando el enlace "Need Help" ubicado en la pgina de inicio de sesin de Rapid Identity. Para obtener informacin sobre cmo configurar una cuenta, haga, Para obtener informacin sobre cmo ver el horario de su estudiante, consulte el siguiente, A principios de esta semana, el distrito envi un, y una llamada telefnica a las familias de los estudiantes elegibles para el transporte en autobs escolar para el ao escolar 2022-2023. We look forward to celebrating the first day of school with you on Tuesday, August 16. Derechos de Privacidad de Estudiantes y Familias, Los padres/tutores pueden acceder a todos los formularios de exclusin haciendo. For information on how to view your students schedule, please view the following step-by-step tutorial. Please keep this tag on your childs backpack for the school year. There is no cost associated with the app; however, associated data charges may apply and will be the user's responsibility. Adems, se puede encontrar un enlace directo al Centro de Comunicaciones en la pgina principal del Distrito 300 (ubicado en la fila azul de iconos directamente debajo de la imagen de la presentacin de diapositivas de la pgina principal). El desayuno estar disponible en todas las escuelas al costo de $1.60 por comida. continuarn recibiendo transporte en los das de inicio tarde. (Please note: prior to August 16th, those with questions or concerns regarding the Parent/Guardian Handbook are directed to start with Step 3 of the Parent Communication Guidelines for IssuesOutsidethe Classroom document. WebFuture Calendars. The full list of school fees, including those that have been waived and those that are still in place, can be found here: 2022-2023 Student Fee Schedule. Lea atentamente cada seccin para determinar si un tema aplica a su estudiante. The Durham Bus Tracker app provides an accurate method for parents and students to monitor the location of a particular bus and/or possible delays in the arrival at a specific stop. Dozens of District 300 parents and students protested the schools decision to keep the mask mandate in place ahead of Tuesdays school board meeting in Algonquin. Parents and guardians should use these guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities for the following diagnoses: Strep Throat: On the appropriate antibiotic for at least 24 hours, Conjunctivitis: On the appropriate eye drops for at least 24 hours or cleared by a physician, New Unexplained Rash: Assessed by a doctor, especially if open and draining or spreading before returning. Friday, August 20 - NO SCHOOL - Regional Teacher Institute Day Se puede encontrar informacin adicional en la pgina web de la escuela preparatoria: A los estudiantes que ingresen a los grados 3-12 se les pedir que restablezcan su contrasea de Rapid Identity antes del comienzo del ao escolar. In addition, a direct link to theCommunication Centercan be found on the District 300 homepage (located in the blue row of icons directly beneath the homepage slideshow image). School-specific events can be located on your schools homepage in the section, District Calendar for Kindergarten through 12th Grade Students. Individuals can also call the Safe School Tip Line at (847) 551-8477 or email Estudiantes que dan positivo por COVID-19: Estn obligados a permanecer en casa durante cinco das a partir de la fecha de una prueba positiva o la aparicin de los sntomas. Please read each section carefully to determine. Los horarios de recogida en las paradas de autobs se programarn ms tarde en la maana para reflejar el horario de inicio tarde para cada nivel respectivo. may contact their high schools main office about parking permit availability, applications, and payment should they have interest and did not receive communication. Other symptoms that prevent them from participating in school, such as: District 300 asks parents and guardians to use the following guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities: Fever-free for at least 24 hours, without medication, Free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. The app can be downloaded from the Apple Store, Google Play, or at to confirm their students' most current bus stop information. Para obtener informacin sobre cmo configurar una cuenta, haga clic aqu. Las listas de tiles escolares para el ao escolar 2022-2023 se publican en el sitio web del Distrito 300 y en el sitio web de cada escuela. will continue to be provided on Late Start days. Financial assistance for eligible course fees and eligible PE uniform/lock fees can be requested through a district fee waiver form which will be available on the D300 Student Fee webpage (please note: fee waiver eligibility is based on Board policy 4:140). The District 300 Communication Center includes important messages pertaining to the 2022-23 school year that also have been sent out to parents and guardians via RCS messaging. Cada inicio tarde a clases tendr un horario de campana retrasado de dos (2) horas para todas las escuelas de K-12. Please submit all health forms or proof of upcoming appointments to the office of your students school nurse or via an email to Para obtener informacin sobre cmo configurar una cuenta, haga clic aqu. In addition, a direct link to theCommunication Centercan be found on the District 300 homepage (located in the blue row of icons directly beneath the homepage slideshow image). School personnel will not be conducting contact tracing. Opt-out forms can also be accessed individually by clicking on any of the links below: Registration fees have been waived for the 2022-2023 school year to support families who may have encountered hardships due to the pandemic. La Lnea Annima de Informacin de Seguridad se puede encontrar en la pgina principal del Distrito 300 (ubicada en la fila azul de conos directamente debajo de la imagen de la presentacin de diapositivas de la pgina principal). Student fee payments and webstore purchases are supported through the, system. Las familias pueden y deben verificar la informacin de transporte de sus estudiantes en el Portal para Padres de PowerSchool para confirmar la informacin ms actualizada de las paradas de autobs de sus estudiantes. Upon returning to school, must wear a well-fitting mask for five (5) full days after the five (5) day isolation period (days 6-10). will continue to receive transportation on Late Start days. A pesar de que no es un organismo que toma decisiones, los comentarios del PAC se tendrn en cuenta en las futuras recomendaciones del distrito. One of District 300s highest priorities for the 2022-2023 school year is to keep students healthy and in school. Please note, high schools do not have school supply lists. Opt-out forms can also be accessed individually by clicking on any of the links below: Using a Photograph or Video Recording of a Student, Military Recruiters and Secondary Educational Institutions (Grades 9-12 only). Chicken Pox Suspected or Actual: Keep home for at least five days after the appearance of the rash or until all blisters have scabbed over. The Safe School Tip Line can be found on the District 300 homepage (located in the blue row of icons directly beneath the homepage slideshow image). However, this decision may be revisited if conditions change that affirm the need for a data dashboard. To access the Communication Center, visit, Communication Guidelines for Parents and Guardians, For questions or issues regarding matters, The class of 2023 will celebrate graduation ceremonies on Saturday, May. El Distrito evala continuamente sus procedimientos de seguridad y hace los ajustes necesarios. Back to School Topics (sorted Alphabetically): phone call to families of students eligible for school bus transportation, for the 2022-2023 school year. topics have been arranged alphabetically to optimize organization. Please keep this tag on your childs backpack for the school year. El uso de la aplicacin es puramente voluntario. Si est al tanto de una amenaza inminente a la seguridad escolar, llame al 911 de inmediato y luego complete el formulario de la Lnea Annima de Informacin de Seguridad. Debido al volumen de estudiantes que el distrito transporta diariamente, comprenda que las solicitudes de cambio de transporte no se pueden admitir durante las primeras semanas de clases. Haga clic aqu para ver el cdigo de vestimenta de los estudiantes del Distrito 300 para el ao escolar 2022-2023. La lista completa de cuotas escolares, incluyendo las que se han eximido y las que an estn vigentes, se puede encontrar aqu: Se puede solicitar asistencia financiera para las cuotas de cursos elegibles y las cuotas elegibles de uniformes/candados de educacin fsica a travs de un formulario de exencin de cuotas del distrito que estar disponible en la pgina. Para obtener detalles completos, incluyendo las fechas y horas de las reuniones, haga, Si est interesado en solicitar ser parte del PAC, complete el formulario. Se proporcionar informacin adicional sobre la graduacin a los estudiantes y las familias este invierno y tambin estar disponible en, Pautas para los Das de Enfermedad Razones para Mantener a su Estudiante en Casa, En apoyo de nuestra prioridad de mantener a los estudiantes saludables y en la escuela, durante la reunin de la Junta Educativa del 9 de agosto, la Junta adopt formalmente la, Puede encontrar una lista de inmunizaciones/vacunas requeridas en, Enve todos los formularios de salud o comprobantes de prximas citas a la oficina de la enfermera escolar de su estudiante o por correo electrnico a, Invitacin para Unirse al Consejo Asesor de Padres (PAC), El PAC brinda a los padres y tutores la oportunidad de aprender ms sobre las operaciones, reglamentos, iniciativas y funciones de la Junta del Distrito 300. Durante la noche del martes 9 de agosto, se solicitar el restablecimiento de la contrasea de las cuentas de estos estudiantes en su prximo inicio de sesin en el sistema Rapid Identity del distrito. Parents/guardians can access all opt-out forms by clicking here. Illinois law [105 ILCS 5/27-8.1] requires schools to exclude students from school until they present proof of meeting the health exam and immunization requirements. Mantenga esta etiqueta en la mochila de su estudiante durante el ao escolar. Actualizacin del Tablero de Informacin de COVID-19. Mantenga esta etiqueta en la mochila de su estudiante durante el ao escolar. . Meal Account balances can be funded through. Additional information can be found on the high schools webpage: Students entering grades 3-12 will be prompted to reset their Rapid Identity password before the start of the school year. This resolution includes the following notable health guidance and protocol information for the 2022-23 school year: Except as noted in the resolution, masking at District schools and property for all students, families, staff, and volunteers will be optional and not required. Due to the volume of students the district transports daily, please understand that transportation change requests cannot be accommodated during the first few weeks of school. But about 60 of the states 300 districts mostly in rural areas are going back face-to-face for at least part of the week, according to the state school superintendents office. During the evening of Tuesday, August 9, these students' accounts will be prompted for password reset on their next login to the districts Rapid Identity system. The district and all students and staff will comply with all COVID-19 mitigation requirements imposed by IHSA or athletic/extracurricular conference officials, or competition host sites. District 300 has compiled helpful back to school information in this message. If you are interested in applying for the PAC. The District 300 Communication Center includes important messages pertaining to the 2022-23 school year that also have been sent out to parents and guardians via RCS messaging. La seguridad escolar es una de las principales prioridades del Distrito 300. School-specific events can be located on your schools homepage in the section titled Upcoming Events.. Es posible que algunos de los temas a continuacin solo se apliquen a grupos de padres especficos. The district threatened to suspend a 12-year-old sexual assault Para acceder al Centro de Comunicacin, visite, Pautas de Comunicacin para Padres y Tutores. Puede encontrar informacin importante sobre el programa de alimentacin y nutricin estudiantil para el ao escolar 2022-2023 en la Gua para Padres sobre Nutricin Estudiantil. Durante la noche del martes 9 de agosto, se solicitar el restablecimiento de la contrasea de las cuentas de estos estudiantes en su prximo inicio de sesin en el sistema Rapid Identity del distrito. Las Solicitudes de Elegibilidad del Hogar se pueden enviar para que se consideren comidas gratis o precio reducido. Liberty Elementary School District to shift to 4-day school week. Are required to remain home for five days from the date of a positive test or the onset of symptoms. Se puede encontrar informacin adicional en la pgina web de la escuela preparatoria: A los estudiantes que ingresen a los grados 3-12 se les pedir que restablezcan su contrasea de Rapid Identity antes del comienzo del ao escolar. In cases of potential school violence or harm to a student or staff member, District 300 may confidentially contact the reporter to seek additional information to keep our schools safe. Superintendent Susan Harkin invites all interested parties to apply for the District 300 Parent Advisory Council (PAC). To access the Communication Center, visit, Communication Guidelines for Parents and Guardians, For questions or issues regarding matters, The class of 2023 will celebrate graduation ceremonies on Saturday, May. Last week, the district and Seattle Education Association finalized an agreement to bring elementary school students back to classrooms. En casos de posible violencia escolar o dao a un estudiante o miembro del personal, el Distrito 300 puede comunicarse de manera confidencial con la persona haciendo el reporte para buscar informacin adicional para mantener nuestras escuelas seguras. Students who choose not to wear a mask may return ten (10) days after the onset of symptoms or testing positive. District 300 schools will host open houses for parents and guardians in late August and early September. You can view each schools supply list by visiting: El Distrito 300 ha desarrollado dos documentos de pautas de comunicacin para asegurar que los padres y tutores puedan resolver problemas y recibir respuestas a sus preguntas lo ms rpido posible. School safety is one of District 300s top priorities. To access the Communication Center, The district will, A listing of required immunizations/vaccinations can be found at, Please submit all health forms or proof of upcoming appointments to the office of your students school nurse or via an email to, Invitation to Join the Parent Advisory Council (PAC). continuar proporcionndose en los das de inicio tarde. Un padre debe tener un telfono inteligente o una tableta para descargar la aplicacin. Los pagos en efectivo en el punto de servicio se limitarn a $20.00. District 300 asks that parents and guardians keep their children at home if they have: A fever of 100.3 (oral) degrees or higher, Diarrhea (three or more episodes in 24 hrs). be used to board the bus. The District continually evaluates its safety procedures and makes adjustments as appropriate. High school students (and their parents/. ) Four students and five staff have contracted the virus. Para el ao escolar 2022-2023, el Distrito 300 ha programado diez (10) das de inicio tarde a clases los siguientes mircoles por la maana: Para acceder a un documento PDF que contiene fechas y horas de inicio tardo, haga clic aqu. Sin embargo, esta decisin puede revisarse si cambian las condiciones que afirman la necesidad de un tablero de informacin. A medida que se acerca el comienzo del ao escolar, los calendarios de men para todas las escuelas estarn disponibles en esta pgina. Where schools are reopening in the US. continuar proporcionndose en los das de inicio tarde. Los padres/tutores deben usar estas pautas antes de que su estudiante regrese a la escuela, actividades deportivas o sociales para los siguientes diagnsticos: Faringitis Estreptoccica:Con el antibitico apropiado durante al menos 24 horas, Conjuntivitis:Con las gotas para los ojos apropiadas durante al menos 24 horas o aprobado por un mdico, Nueva Erupcin Inexplicable:Evaluada por un mdico, especialmente si est abierta y drena o se propaga antes de regresar. Toda la informacin del calendario a nivel de distrito para el ao escolar 2022-2023 se puede encontrar en Para acceder al Centro de Comunicacin, visite, Pautas de Comunicacin para Padres y Tutores. As a reminder, students, parents, or community members are encouraged to use the Safe School Tip Line to report concerns with bullying, drugs, weapons, violence, or self-harm in our schools in our on-going effort to keep schools safe. El Distrito 300 pide que los padres/tutores mantengan a sus estudiantes en casa si tienen: Diarrea(tres o ms episodios en 24 horas), Unsarpullidoo llagas abiertas y supurantes. . The District continually evaluates its safety procedures and makes adjustments as appropriate. Al regresar a la escuela, se le indicar que se siente en un rea especfica durante el almuerzo durante cinco das completos despus del perodo de aislamiento de cinco das (das 6 a 10). Los horarios de campana de los estudiantes para los Inicios Tarde se enumeran a continuacin: Para acceder a un documento PDF que contiene los tiempos de campana de inicio tardo para cada nivel de grado, haga clic aqu. Tambin puede ver una descripcin general en video de los requisitos de salud haciendo clic aqu. As the start of the school year approaches, menu calendars for all schools will be available on this page. Si usted o su estudiante experimentan alguna dificultad, completen el, Procedimientos de Recoger y Dejar a Estudiantes, Haga clic en "Pick-Up and Drop-off Procedures" en el men desplegable, Los padres y tutores pueden ver una lista completa de las fechas de los das de fotografas de los estudiantes y los das de recuperacin visitando, La seguridad escolar es una de las principales prioridades del Distrito 300. Los padres de los estudiantes de preescolar deben consultar el calendario preescolar). Adems, se puede encontrar un enlace directo al Centro de Comunicaciones en la pgina principal del Distrito 300 (ubicado en la fila azul de iconos directamente debajo de la imagen de la presentacin de diapositivas de la pgina principal). Este pase de mochila para el autobs incluir informacin sobre la ruta del autobs de la tarde del estudiante y se utilizar para abordar el autobs. Para acceder al Centro de Comunicacin, Accin Necesaria de los Padres - Formulario de Reconocimiento de Haber Recibido el Manual para Padres/Tutores, Si usted o su estudiante no recuerdan su contrasea, pueden intentar recuperarla utilizando el enlace "Need Help" ubicado en la pgina de inicio de sesin de Rapid Identity. Para acceder al Centro de Comunicacin, The student bell times for Late Starts are listed below: To access a PDF document containing Late Start bell times for each grade level, please click here. Hagaclic aqupara obtener ms informacin sobre el plan de aprendizaje remoto para estudiantes aislados. This bus backpack pass will include the students afternoon bus route information and will be used to board the bus. Los estudiantes que no estn al da con los exmenes de salud y los requisitos de vacunacin no podrn asistir a la escuela hasta que se presenten todos los formularios requeridos. Una vez que se descarga la aplicacin, los padres y tutores pueden encontrar instrucciones sobre cmo usar la aplicacin en COVID-19. Please note, high schools do not have school supply lists. Capital construction expenditures, on average, were about $300 less per student in high-poverty districts compared to low-poverty districts. El Distrito 300 da la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes, padres y tutores al ao escolar 2022-2023! This bus backpack pass will include the students afternoon bus route information and. WebFor the 2022-2023 school year, District 300 has scheduled ten (10) late start days on the following Wednesday mornings: To access a PDF document containing Late Start dates and times, please click here. Students can follow the on screen prompts to complete this action. Para obtener ms informacin o reportar una preocupacin de seguridad directamente, comunquese con nuestro Director de Seguridad Escolar, Todd Rohlwing, al (847) 551-8365 o In these messages, families were notified that their transportation information was available in, . A school district in Pennsylvania is proposing starting classes later in the morning to improve the physical health and mental well-being of students. Un padre debe tener un telfono inteligente o una tableta para descargar la aplicacin. Los estudiantes de preparatoria (y sus padres/tutores) pueden comunicarse con la oficina principal de su escuela preparatoria sobre la disponibilidad, las solicitudes y el pago del permiso de estacionamiento en caso de que tengan inters y no hayan recibido comunicacin. La lista completa de cuotas escolares, incluyendo las que se han eximido y las que an estn vigentes, se puede encontrar aqu: Se puede solicitar asistencia financiera para las cuotas de cursos elegibles y las cuotas elegibles de uniformes/candados de educacin fsica a travs de un formulario de exencin de cuotas del distrito que estar disponible en la pgina. After more than a year of remote instruction during the coronavirus pandemic, Seattle Public Schools will offer in-person learning once again. In these messages, families were notified that their transportation information was available in, . As such, we would like to provide parents with information regarding our sick day guidelines for the 2022-2023 school year. Un padre debe tener un telfono inteligente o una tableta para descargar la aplicacin. Puede regresar a la escuela cinco das despus del inicio de los sntomas o de dar positivo, si no tiene fiebre durante 24 horas. El pago completo se debe pagar dentro de los siete das posteriores al comienzo del semestre o la temporada.

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