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Her colleague, Barry Standfield, thought hed shake things up by sending the letter to the media with all names included. She regained consciousness unsure what had happened. He puts his high beam on and sees a shape on the road next to it. The intention was to get a key card then threaten the victim until he handed over his PIN. This made police suspect that he had something to hide. Where a murder could be written off as a robbery gone wrong, a suicide or a high-spirited frolic. They won the court case but lost the fight. EXCLUSIVE: There is heartbreaking plea almost 40 years in the making from the best mate of Richard Kelvin, the teenage boy murdered by Bevan Spencer von Einem in 1983.It was a horrific crime forever etched in the minds of South Australians and there is a fresh push to unmask key suspects in the notorious Family Murders. They actually thought they were engaged in some sort of leisure sport that actually had a degree of community approval.. Also entered as evidence were samples taken from Barnes's body which showed that sedative drugs had been present. Knowing the extent of his injuries, and knowing that hes now about 77, I wonder what state hell be in when I knock on the door of his cute inner-Adelaide cottage with its rambling, mossy garden. Ruks died from internal bleeding of the abdomen. He was last seen at the beat at 1am on December 5, after having left a Gouger St nightclub. He saw the light show then went to leave, but as he drove down the narrow track out of Veale Gardens, the dizziness returned so he pulled over. They took the stand and carried it through cross-examination. To answer evidence about how fibres from von Einem's bed had come to be on Kelvin's clothes, von Einem stated that the two of them had sat on his bed and played with the large gold harp which he kept in his bedroom. So I was privy to the high-fliers and big rollers who used to come through The Wall and pay us boys for sex.. A week or two later, after much cajoling, Utting convinced Williams to come in and meet a police officer she trusted with a view to handing over some of his information about how paedophiles were getting away with it through the legal system. I ask how hed remembered the number plate 20 years later. The 33-year-old grabbed some cigarettes off the dash and sat on a bench by the river to think about some problems. Forensic investigators were able to match the many fibres found on Kelvin's clothing to those taken from von Einem's home, along with hairs found which matched those belonging to him. The prosecution decided after Justice Duggan's findings two days earlier to have von Einem tried separately for the murders of Barnes and Langley. The light went green and he sped off to Holden Hill police station. The next thing I know, he had taken the shoelaces out of my pair of black patent leather shoes I remember the shoes very well, with pointy toes and was attempting to strangle me with my laces. Until the late 70s, the gay-panic defence was not a defence of provocation but of insanity. The prosecution was led again by Brian Martin QC, who was assisted this time by Tom Birchall, and their case against von Einem relied on evidence of the Kelvin murder, with the details of the crime being so strikingly similar to the murders of Barnes and Langley. When they [the police] came to us and questioned us, Utting says, we believed they were there to ask us what we knew about these people that had been murdered. Furthermore, the quantity of fibres on Kelvin's clothes was far too large to suggest that Kelvin was in his company for only two hours. That crew had left the pub about 10pm. And the older ones tended to be involved more in the gay panic murders, rather than the poofter bashing homicides. They spent the next three years in court. He has always maintained he was not cruising the beat that night. WIthin five weeks of the discovery of Moores body, Lewiss failure to hand over the documents and a video tape (which hed never claimed to possess) to police led to him being forced to resign as Speaker. His blood showed a combination of several drugs and sedatives. Despite the intricate details of von Einem's alibi and his version of events, his story had two huge problems. Im going to gaol for the rest of my life, arent I, sister girl?. In Victoria, sodomy carried the death penalty until 1949. Theyll watch the married men come in and have a laugh at the desperation of it all, have a dig at their own sluttiness, slipping into the darkness when the cops come rolling through to harass them. Detective Jennifer ODonohue interviewed Verco first. She decided to call him to find out where hed got to. He endured numerous operations. There were three major factors in von Einem's initial questioning that led police to become increasingly suspicious that they had found their prime suspect: As von Einem went on holiday to the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom during August and September 1983, the case against him began to mount up. I was made to feel like an outcast. When (the politician) came along, I remembered, I rthat he had a white VK Commodore. von Einem stated he thought Kelvin had bisexual tendencies and said that the two of them then had a conversation about problems Kelvin had been having at school, and Kelvin willingly got into the car and they drove to von Einem's home. Of the 92 offenders he studied, 43 were teenagers and 23 were in their early 20s. His story was consistent with his friends about the beer and the bongs and the random nature of their stopping. That was the actual wording of the charge in those days, was it? I ask. If it hadnt been for Jamess presence, the dead body would probably have surfaced a week or so later and the death would have remained an obscure event - a mystery even more opaque than the one we are left with today. Forensic pathologist Dr Richard Shepherd uses I was on the ground it felt as if I was being continually hit and kicked., He begged them to leave him alone: If you want money, take it. In fact, the prosecution had to present the evidence of provocation to show a motive, but not so strongly as to turn a motive into an excuse. He wished he had bolted after he called the ambulance. His hatred of the bosses grew as he rose, very slowly, to be a detective in the CIB before he quit in 1981. The words The Fruit Pirates were graffitied on a chair there. The 25-year-old comes here a lot. In 1983, I was placed in a foster home by my parents. And then one day while opening her front door, Utting was attacked. As to the allegations that Woodland apparently made, a police spokesperson said there was no evidence that he reported on high profile people, no evidence he was abused as a child, no evidence to substantiate his claim. One night at Veale Gardens, someone yelled out Bashers! and everyone ran. I despise the legal system and all lawyers and every politician ever put on the face of this earth. He was murdered by Bevan Spencer von Einem in Adelaide, South Australia, in 1983 after having been kidnapped and tortured for five weeks. I got out to see who this person was and to see what he was doing, maybe strike up an acquaintance.. But he battled away for a decade. Ill give it to you. It was Pete. It must be such, as in a case like this, it causes the accuseds blood to boil to the extent where reason has been temporarily suspended. Robinson checks the rearview mirror to make sure he isnt being followed. But the story that became public was this: that Robert Woodland, along with two others, alleged that while underage they performed sexual acts for two MPs (one of whom was still serving in 2002), a judge and a prominent policeman. The acquittal came as a shock to the gay community. The defence opted for von Einem to give an unsworn statement from the dock, rather than give sworn evidence from the witness box. She saw Lindsay with a knife in his hand, now wearing gloves. Its not that James denied ever using beats. So they set up a similar white van at the beat and asked people to come forward with information, no questions asked. How big a purse do you carry? No, no, no, please dont say these things over the phone at the moment, Steve, for Gods sake, youre trying to get arrested before I even attempt to try to protect myself. Even the police never said this one was a robbery gone wrong. It completely contradicted his initial statement of his whereabouts on 5 June 1983, when he said he had been in bed with the flu. He spits bile at me through the hard mesh screen about the way the judge let the families in the gallery yell out faggot and poofter when he and other witnesses took the stand. It belonged to Neil Muir (25, first picture), a transient and drug addict that had been seen alive the night before. Dr. Ellen Riemer, a forensic pathologist with the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, autopsied both victims on June 10, 2021, three days after they were shot and killed at their family home in Colleton County, Moselle. So I think I asked one of them to speak or to turn around or something, and then he said to the police officer, Is that all sir? and I thought, Hang on. Lindsays sister Ashleigh would recall someone making a comment about someone being gay. And while the straight cops like OShea were dragging gay men into the legal system, throwing them in prison cells, the bent cops were coming at them from a different angle. Local gay community leader Bill Rutkin knew Doig through common friends who could attest to his popularity in their circles. Hell see some mates over near the toilets and end up just chatting. Lost the will to fight it. This made police suspect that von Einem had something to hide. He was afraid for his life, recalls Lewis. I say now to the House that there is a stench of the most heinous kind arising from these crimes and associated activities which comes right into this place and into the front bench.. The only lead the cops had was a sighting of three men in a white van whod been hanging around. Three men left a pub in Maryborough about 9pm on July 3, 2008 to smoke pot in the grounds of nearby St Marys. However, hed follow them up in the mainstream media and court documents only to find that the victims homosexuality had been left out. Then slowly towards the Valiant, pulling in behind. Because he was on Death Row, Hickock couldnt go to churchso instead, he participated in Bible Correspondence courses, according to a Special Progress Report from The committal hearing to determine if von Einem should stand trial for the murders of Barnes and Langley began on 5 March 1990 before magistrate David Gurry. The witnesses included colleagues and friends who testified to him being unwell and at home during the first week of Kelvin's captivity. Lindsay grabbed Negres long hair and laid in, banging his head into the floor. It was just that they never came back.. Its focus is on investigation, crime solving and the victims. They quickly organised banners and rallied outside the attorney-generals office. The youth asked: Do you come here often?, Then, out of the blue, someone grabbed Blaxland from behind. Given these facts, on 25 May 1984, Magistrate Nick Manos ordered von Einem to stand trial for the murder of Richard Kelvin. He ordered von Einem to stand trial; however, he expressed concerns with most of the prosecution's evidence. Im telling you to go. And he stood up: Cause Im bigger than you.. About a month after Paul Walker was tragically killed in a fatal car crash, the Los Angeles coroner has released the actors complete autopsy report. Bashers are common at beats, but theyve never got Robinson. One of the men, Dr. George Duncan, a British lecturer in law who had arrived in Australia only seven weeks before, was drowned. The prosecuting authorities, however, declined to act. Feel free to contact me! Police also searched his home in the northern Adelaide suburb of Paradise, and seized a bottle of Mandrax. [10] On 13 August 2007, the Seven Network followed this with a story that the man standing next to the Einem lookalike in their archived film matched the police sketch of the suspect seen with the Beaumonts at the beach on the day of their disappearance. Thats exactly what Im here to talk about, I say, and Robinson opens the door and agrees to have a chat. It was only 16 months after Dad died.. From day one, police said publicly that robbery was the motive. They signal to each other by pumping on their brake pedal in a sort of brakelight Morse code to indicate whether theyre on. NSW now has a task force, Operation Parrabell, reviewing 88 deaths including 30 unsolved cases from the 1970s to the early 2000s as potential gay-hate murders, most of which werent treated as such at the time. He had arrived from a teaching post in England only six weeks earlier. He had skipped school on that day, but its believed hed made it back home at some point because his backpack was found in the garage. I used to drink with them every bloody night at the Crown and Sceptre, he says, and eventually one night I said to em, When are you actually going to formally interview me about this? They said, Were not. Ten or 15 minutes later, though, he returns. The worst was in June 1984. He was doing his job. "Mr B" also provided further information about other associates of von Einem, but claimed he took no part whatsoever in any murders. Faced with such damning scientific evidence, the defence tried to counter this during cross-examination by floating a possible theory that after von Einem's last contact with Kelvin, he had been abducted by other people, who had stored his clothing for five weeks before murdering him and re-dressing him. In 1983, 11 years after Von Einem had rescued Roger James on the night George Duncan was murdered, he abducted a 15-year-old boy, Richard Kelvin, the son of long-time Adelaide Channel Nine newsreader Rob Kelvin. My informants tell me that in Canberra, no one gets out of their car. He also stated that Von Eimen worked with otherassociates. Under cross-examination, the prosecution were able to show inconsistencies in her current testimony compared to her earlier statements to police about von Einem's whereabouts on the weekend of 45 June, which weakened the defence case considerably as this highlighted von Einem's change the previous February of his account of what happened on the night of 5 June 1983. It was also announced that von Einem had been excused from attending his court hearings so that he could avoid an "unpleasant" three-hour drive with other inmates.[12][13]. It has moved to where the Valiant had previously been parked. Hairs from von Einem were found on and inside Kelvin's clothing and of 925 fibre samples found on Kelvin's clothing, 250 came from von Einem's home environment, with just seven from Kelvin's home. The inquest failed to reach a conclusion as to who killed Duncan, though the three officers were pushed out of the force. Its been argued that the screw got turned particularly tightly on South Australias homosexuals after the Woomera rocket range was built in 1949. Mick OShea recalls being there at the time trying to get a pinch. He got pins in his cheek. Von Einem pleaded not guilty; his defence was led by barrister Barry Jennings, who was assisted by Helena Jasinski, who had been von Einem's solicitor from the start of the police investigation of him in the murder during the previous year. It bobs down. Forensics also determined that Kelvin was murdered between 8 July and 11 July 1983 and was dumped at the airstrip no later than the 11th. On August 28 of that same year, a body cut in pieces was found inside garbage bags thrown in the Port River. The attackers ran off. We talk for a while about the Duncan murder and how one of the acquitted officers ended up owning a pub where people would go wanting to see the bloke who threw Duncan in the river. It can also be available for the police to check if it helps with their investigation. The now controversial forensic pathologist, Dr Colin Manock, had him pinned as a homosexual at his autopsy, owing to the funnel shape of his anus. Perhaps they thought saying that would save the family some anguish. This answered the question of how fibres from von Einem's carpet got onto Kelvin's clothes. He left. von Einem's defence counsel appealed the decision, launching an abuse of process action in the Supreme Court of South Australia to achieve a permanent stay of proceedings, as well as stating that the huge media interest in the charges would result in their client not getting a fair trial. No mates in sight. I wish people in other states would step in and actually start research projects on whats happened elsewhere, he said. Mick OShea arrived at the vice squad the next morning unaware that his career had already been thrust onto a new trajectory. According to Professor Stephen Tomsen from the University of Western Sydney, the criminologist who did a lot of the work in identifying the 88 NSW cases, the only reason similar potential gay-hate murders havent been found else where is that no ones gone looking. With the drugs as their only firm lead at that stage, police began sifting through prescriptions for those drugs. Analysis of Kelvin's bloodstream revealed traces of four hypnotic drugs, including Mandrax and Noctec. HIs cause of death was the same as Alan and Neils and his blood also had traces of a sedative. Neils dismemberment was highly unusual: his head was separated from his body but tied to his torso with a rope, and his organs had been removed and the killers had placed his lower legs and arms inside his abdominal cavity. Autopsies are conducted by a coroner, medical examiner or forensic pathologist in the state of Texas. I seen them scuffling and throw something in the water, he tells me. Alarm bells ring in his head, so he pulls away and the guy leaning on the boot turns to watch him go. It is more attractive to them. People thought he was one of the suspects. Richard also Why? I dont know why he started and I dont know why he stopped. They never went back. Further down the river, 27-year-old Roger James was walking home from dinner with a friend. She called a cab and left. No mention of the homosexual motive was made when the three were convicted, either. You can get away with anything so long as you say, the dirty faggot came on to me.. This page was last edited on 1 April 2023, at 21:47. In cars? The message from this decision is that gay people are no longer protected by the law, Penley said. The other victim, Roger James, was brought into police headquarters on crutches. When asked about drugs, von Einem did admit he had Mandrax. But then, a partial victory. So after he makes sure the Valiant isnt following him, Robinson drives off to buy fuel. All 52 cards featured the faces of unsolved-murder victims. Von Einem said that he was driving along O'Connell Street in North Adelaide looking for a parking spot in order to buy some dinner. There was nothing at the time to link him to his murder, but he was kept in the radar. On a clifftop in Sydneys Manly on sunny weekends, men were divided into seekers and seekees: the seekees might be sunbaking naked until a shadow appears over them the seekee. He jammed his foot hard onto the brake as they pushed him into the city intersection. Not playing with your dick or anything, but loitering around the toilet block in, to me, an uncomfortable sort of way., As a strapping young blond man, he found it easy to attract advances, and that was enough to find something in the statutes to charge his suitors with. I was sent in as bait because of how young I looked to lure guys into the bushes. Negre apologised and Lindsay accepted, being heard to say, Just dont go doing shit like that again because Im not gay, or Ill hit you.. The first known victim was Alan Barnes (17, third picture). I remember a guy in my footy team, Gavin, boasting about doing it. Your next meal comes from the next money youre going to earn. January 3, 2014. I said to them on a number of occasions, Youll drown one one day. His arms are folded and a cigarette dangles from his lips. Von Einem also allowed police to take hair and blood samples, as well as carpets and other materials for testing. Thats the day I lost all faith in the legal system, our whole system of government. It had also got him sacked from a job with a pharmaceutical company which he hadnt wanted. Didnt talk to the media. The document is only available to the immediate family of the said victim. Lewis pauses again: Its well documented and not only in the case of Robert Woodland, but in many other such instances, theyre bashed to shutem up, and if that doesnt shutem up, then bash em a bit harder and they wont ever be able to stand up, let alone walk up, and talk up, again.. Despite pleading his innocence, So just imagine the besieged atmosphere of an office where you were hearing stories like this every day implicating powerful people. In the first high-profile murder case involving a The two males that was with her killed the man. Penley said the most common assaults were well-planned, with gangs jumping out of cars and dragging their victims off to be kicked, bashed and left bleeding in the darkness. Finally, there was Richard Kelvin (15, last picture), the son of a famous local news presenter. Reported information should include: Name of Deceased Residence of Deceased Date of Birth Sex/Race Date, Von Einem admitted that the drugs were his and said that he used them to help him sleep. Before he reaches the Merc, however, he glides past a Valiant with fat tyres, mag wheels and doors painted a different colour to the body. He at first denied ever meeting Richard, saying that on the day he disappeared he was home with the flu. Police didnt keep stats and even if they did, they would have been worthless because gay people didnt go to the police. Defence lawyer Sam Abbott said he expected the Director of Public Prosecutions to drop the most serious charge of producing the material and, if not, he would argue there was no case to answer. The police were surprisingly quick to publicly dismiss the paedophilia allegations, especially considering that they hadnt even seen the information that Lewis and his team had gathered. Other forensic scientists were called to testify about the hair and fibre samples collected that were linked to von Einem himself and his home. But he claims his attempts were hamstrung by police seeming to somehow know of their planned meetings in advance and being there waiting. Von Einem took James to hospital where the alarm was raised. He told them he was gay and that hed been bashed by a man hed met who wanted to take him home. Earlier surveys had the number at nine out of 10. Sadly it was generally unsuccessful. She had no solid material or food in her stomach; only a dark green material that had "the consistency of dried leaves." They also found traces of a sedative in his blood. Kevin Williamson, not long out of the army, had a few beers at the Torrens Drill Hall on the parade grounds below Government House, before heading to his car about 10.45pm on May 10, 1972. Paul Murdaugh and his mother, Maggie, were each shot several times before dying last week in their South Carolina home, according to autopsy results released Monday. Another man, who would become known as Witness A, had also been thrown in the river that night. Now, the reason I said, according to Lewis was that I havent seen anything to substantiate that Robert Woodland even visited Peter Lewiss office, let alone what he said there. Negre, 37, was the type of bloke who could walk into a pub not knowing anybody and walk out with a dozen new best friends. At approximately 6:15pm on 5 June 1983, von Einem (likely along with other unknown persons) abducted Kelvin near the intersection of Margaret Street & Peppertree Lane, North Adelaide, just 60 metres from Kelvin's home around the corner in Ward Street. Another of Lewiss informants, Craig Ratcliff, leaked the story of the link between the two deaths to the media and the frenzy was on. Lindsay showed her around his house. It is most likely another sad, lonely death in the dark, but maybe, if you allow your mind to run a bit, you can see it entwined in a deep-black criminal conspiracy touching on those stories that many believe about who really run South Australia. Two days later, Lewis got up in parliament to say that Handley had been another of his witnesses. Lindsay and Hutchings dumped the body in a nearby dry creek where it was found a week later. He also addressed the issue of the noisy exhaust on the car heard during the abduction of Kelvin, by stating that the exhaust on his Ford Falcon (which von Einem had sold on 16 July 1983, purportedly to raise money for his overseas trip) was less than two years old and in good condition. On August 27, 1981, Peter Stogneff (14, second picture) disappeared. Von Eimen hinted at some point that he was scared of giving names to police. Lindsay said he could have a bed upstairs. I dont care if everybody knows., Because the dude was gay? the house-mate persists. Farmed the kids out to friends. James crawled to a road where he waved down a passing car, driven by a man called Bevan Von Einem, who would later go on to notoriety as a convicted child murderer and suspected serial killer. There was also that person who had tipped off police about Von Eimen initially. The Warren Commission in 1964 had hoped that its well-written, 450-plus-page report would put questions about the assassination to rest. Karen Carpenter's autopsy (via autopsy files) revealed that at the time of her death, she weighed 108 pounds. I looked around me and looked into the rear-vision mirror and I could not see anyone else around. But she couldnt help but wonder if shed caused his death by setting up the meeting. During this investigation, one detective interviewed Bevan von Eimen, and he claimed hed been Neils lover a couple of years before. Now, it isnt at all peculiar that an officer investigating such a murder would focus on the allegations the victim had made. Zito joined in. It was like pulling up bloody weeds. Lindsays de facto Mel Glover, the mother of his son, wasnt impressed. Police previously did see this harp in his room when they seized the drugs. I was lonely and horny and thought this time I would know better, but again that voice rang out in the night, Bashers! I got away but I did see one guy lying on the grass, getting kicked over and over by these guys. The committal hearing to determine if there was sufficient evidence for von Einem to stand trial for murder began on 20 February 1984. The victim was in a coma with a fractured skull, a broken cheek bone, a broken eye socket. WebLast updated: January 23, 2020 The Florida Supreme Court has declared that it will apply its decisions in Hurst v.State and Asay v.Statewhich held that non-unanimous jury recommendations of death violate the Florida state constitution and the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitutionto new death penalty cases and to older cases in which the direct It was one man. He was in a gay park in Toowoomba., Can I tell you who it is? It took a couple of days to even identify the victim. This is a story from a blighted time. Youve got no say., Blaxland heard someone walk to his car and that was the last thing hed remember until a voice: Try and hold on. France in 1791.). He says that the whole drama cost him his job. Now, there is only one vehicle on the strip. It was a matter of national security. Kelvin was 15 years old at the time of his death. But at this point they thought Alans murderer was someone close to him, so they focused on eliminating his acquaintances first. I dont think he knew. The four murdered were Alan Barnes in June 1979, Neil Muir in August 1979, Peter Stogneff in August 1981 and Mark Langley in February 1982. von Einem was found guilty of the murder and was automatically sentenced to life at Yatala Labour Prison. Certainly you just cant explain the level of violence and the level of targeting if you think the motive is a simple robbery, for what is very often only a very small amount of money or fairly worthless property.. Five known victims of kidnapping, sexual abuse and murder showed up in those years, and police became convinced that the perpetrator was actually a group of several men, although only one has ever been identified and taken to justice. I came around to discover I still had my wallet; that I had my shoelaces around my throat which had left a slight mark and I sort of staggered drunkenly back to the car.. South Australia and Queensland remain the only states where the gay panic defence can still be used. Nothing about the fact that that area of the South Parklands was a well-known beat or that David Saint was in fact homosexual. Tall and thin, he was intensely shy, private and unable to swim. I, like, detest that kind of thing A struggle broke out and he said he called out to his friend Jason. She knew she was doing it, the relative said, drunk, on the live stream. The prosecution later charged him with the murders of Alan and Mark, but eventually dropped the case when crucial evidence was ruled inadmissible by the judge. Photographs of von Einem at the party were also tendered to the court. They talked about the laser show and the powerful old-model car. Copyright 2014. In 2009, he killed his next boyfriend, Luke Noonan, 29, in similar circumstances. John hadnt come out to his siblings until he was in his 30s. The fact is, though, that Lewis and his team already had a deep distrust of the polices ability to handle the allegations, given what theyd been told by their informants about police cover-ups. Most nights he wont pick up. He denied that they went there to bash gay men. Lewis tried to make contact with another witness to the same goings-on at Veale Gardens, Walter Handley. With enough evidence, along with the information given by "B", to indicate that Richard Kelvin was at von Einem's home around the time of his death, police arrested and charged von Einem with murder on 3 November 1983.

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