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[49] In 1991, a young Christian Turk, fleeing from forced circumcision in the Turkish military forces, was granted asylum in Germany. An estimated 58.3% of male newborns and 80.5% of males aged 1459 years in the United States are circumcised. The weren't many of them of course but they were just ordered to show up and get trimmed. Its a constant, violent struggle for survival, in which men kill each other for reasons their government or leaders assure them are very good. Diallo S, Toloba Y, Coulibaly SA, Dabitao D, Diop S, Doumbia S, Keita B. Ben KL, Xu JC, Lu L, L NQ, Cheng Y, Tao J, Liu DK, Min XD, Cao XM, Li PS. A man was yesterday forcibly circumcised by traditional surgeons in Mumias-Butere District as police watched helplessly. Her brother was circumcised, she never pushed, but since sex was painful for me, my circumcision improved my & her sex life 100%. 2.454). The worst part? Ive read accounts that from as recently as Vietnam that soldiers could get a free circumcision if they requested one, is that still policy? [41], In 2007, the US Committee on International Religious Freedom heard testimony reporting: "Forced conversion is happening in an alarming degree. The other was the case of a New Zealander, in his mid 20s, who developed phimosis which required circumcision. During the Japanese attempt to conquer China in 1937, a lot of blood was spilledand the Chinese were anything but kind to the Japanese soldiers they captured. Whether you rent or buy a home depends on a host of factors specific to your situation. [7][8] As reported by Josephus, circumcision was required of the Idumeans: Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea, and subdued all the Idumeans; and permitted them to stay in that country, if they would circumcise their genitals, and make use of the laws of the Jews; and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time therefore this befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews. Read Next: 'At the Limits of What I Can Do:' Marine Corps Commandant Makes Plea for Funding. At the time that I told my wife that I had decided to be circumcised she said that it was a common topic of conversation amongst army wives. In doing so, he was required to have a physical exam and be circumcised if he was not already. It's considered traditional that no male is to escape the ritual regardless of where he lives, what he does or what kind of security he has. So what happens to a non-practicing Jewish male whos parents never had him circumcised? They all walked around for about a week later with little white paper cups of meds taped to the end of their cocks. I also dont think a stallion is what you need. Of these, more than 300 were forcibly circumcised. Scan this QR code to download the app now. I believe there was an American officer with severe phimosis which hold him back to fight. "[42], In 2014, after the exodus of the Christians from Mosul and the Yazidis from Mount Sinjar, it was reported that forced circumcisions were taking place conducted by the Islamic State. [25] According to Catherine Hezser, it is an open question whether Jews of late antiquity refrained from forcibly circumcising their Gentile slaves and whether Romans avoided selling their slaves to Jews in reaction to the prohibition. Log in or Sign up to interact with the community. Epub 2008 Mar 3. [62], In September 2010, at Malaba, West Kenya, a 21-year-old Teso man was lured to a hotel, drugged, smeared with fermented millet flour and was being led away by several Bukusu to be circumcised when the police intervened. The rules are stricter for reservists. So thats why we shared our experiences, but its all hypothetical because we Just dont have other experiences to compare to. The local governor had also investigated the incidents. Ironically, my non-Jewish (-but-some-other-abrahamic-religion)-mom gave birth to me in a hospital that was a primarily run by Jewish people. To be specific, it is their propensity for forced circumcision and conversion. 2013-2015, Choice Maker. [63], In 1999, a woman who was feared throughout the Vaal Triangle district of South Africa, controlled a gang of kidnappers that abducted young people, forcibly circumcising the boys and extorting ransoms from their parents for their release. called in for preinduction examination in 1968 and it was suggested to be that I get circumcised. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. [Adult male circumcision for military men: history and future] Adult male circumcision (MC) has been shown to reduce the transmission of HPV, HSV, and HIV significantly during vaginal intercourse. 8. [60], In late January 2008, a disputed election in which circumcision became an issue between President Mwai Kibaki, a Kikuyu and opposition candidate Raila Odinga, a Luo, "the fact that Odinga was uncircumcised became an issue: He was seen by some Kikuyus as a 'child' unfit to rule because he had not passed through circumcision and initiation." Thats interesting, wish someone had picked up my frenulum breve at an earlier age as it wouldve saved me a lot of suffering especially as I didnt even realise it was faulty. The new claims process is in addition to the compensation provided under the military's compensation system, which also covers combat injuries, training mishaps, motor vehicle accidents, or other deaths or disabilities in the line of duty, according to the Federal Register notice. This article may not be republished, rebroadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without written permission. On occurrences of forced circumcision in Kenya, see Glazier. [52], John Rawlins had sailed for 23 years without incident when, in 1621, he and his crew were kidnapped by pirates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa. An official website of the United States government. Martin Goodman, "Galilean Judaism and Judaean Judaism," in: William Horbury, W. D. Davies, John Sturdy, eds. 8600 Rockville Pike The United States stands apart from the rest of the world for its high rates of neonatal circumcision. Many African countries have already taken a special interest in adult MC for their military forces, resulting in increased numbers of these surgeries among this special population of men. But claims valued at more than $100,000 will be reviewed and then paid out by the Treasury Department. I couldn't stand the pain." Other tribal groups in Uganda and the Ugandan Foundation for Human Rights Initiative regard forced circumcision as a human rights abuse. Wednesday, 31 January, 2001, 15:15 GMT. I understand that when the British army still had a large presence in Germany before 1990 there were several military hospitals and I understand that routine infant circumcision was often done. No, they dont require us to have circumcisions. recruit in 1957 (at Ford Ord) and we thought circumcision was compulsory. For female circumcision, see, History and contemporary forced circumcision. James Bristow, a teenage artilleryman, revenged himself by circumcising dogs, believing that this would harm the religious feelings of the Muslim warders. [21] Legislation under Constantine, the first Christian emperor, freed any slave who was subjected to circumcision; in the year 339, circumcising a slave became punishable by death. The health care provider is required to exercise for the claimant the same level of skill, care and knowledge -- based on national standards, not those of regions, states or localities -- that are expected of those in their field in comparable clinical settings, it adds. We didnt judge it we were just perplexed. 166 BC) forcibly circumcised the sons of Jewish parents who had abandoned the rite. [1] In a biblical context, the term is used especially in relation to Paul the Apostle and his polemics against the circumcision controversy in early Christianity. A woman who belongs to the army would be discharged as soon as she is pregnant. There were various issues with the prepuce that were routinely treeated with surgery in those days, but it seems difficult to believe that there was a general order (even for just one branch of the service) for that particular surgery. Thats why all young men have to go to the muster at the age of 18. -- Patricia Kime contributed to this report. [27], Forced conversions, involving forced circumcision, are echoed in a vast body of scholarly literature spanning the entire history of Islam. The new claims process is a last resort for those who have suffered malpractice; the notice states that claims are payable only if they can't be settled or paid under any other law. Given the rapid expansion required of the military at that time, it seems like an awfully silly thing to bother with. The First Step From a Boy To a Man Most males in Turkey are circumcised. Children kidnapped and mutilated", "Rastafarian circumcised against his will", "Wife held after husband's forced circumcision", "Traditional circumcision: Custom vs the Constitution", "Forced circumcision: Son takes parents on", "Sudan: Reports of Catholic residents of Khartoum or elsewhere in Sudan being forcefully converted to Islam", "Ugandan Ethnic Group Criticized for Forced Male Circumcision",, "New Vision Online: Man forced into circumcision",, "Welcome to the Sunday Vision online: Uganda's leading weekly", "Court awards A$10,000 for wrongful circumcision", "Prevalence of circumcision among men and boys aged 14 to 59 years in the United States, National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 2005-2010", "Trends in Circumcision for Male Newborns in U.S. Before [45] "In many cases, young Armenian children were spared from deportation by local Turks who took them from their families. The loss of these soldiers to active duty in combat areas resulted in prophylactic circumcision being performed on many recruits at training centers. [68] In October 2009, the Bhisho Equality Court (High Court) ruled that, in South Africa, circumcision is unlawful unless done with the full consent of the initiate. Discussion in 'Free Fire Zone' started by Kai-Petri, Mar 8, 2003. For some odd reason, my parents didn't circumcise me at birth. These prisonersbeing Australianpromptly told the Japanese to do one. Unless guy has very short foreskin, I believe personally you will feel more of coronal ridge when he enters you for sex. [citation needed] In 1829, nine-year-old Greek boy Alexandros Kitos and other young boys were kidnapped by Ottoman soldiers and sold into slavery in Egypt; all of them were circumcised against their will. [6] Forced circumcision of Gentiles by Jews is attested from the second century BC onwards. [12] Archaeological evidence suggests that, during this period, Gentiles fled from Galilee to avoid being forcibly circumcised. Ive observed an easy 1 in 5 in the last 2 years in my age group in swimming baths, naturist clubs and adult clubs. District Commissioner Ernest Munyi expressed shock at the incident and told police to crack down on traditional surgeons involved in forcible circumcision. [56] One of those circumcised, Kostantinus Idi, reported: "I could not escape One of them held up my foreskin between pieces of wood while another cut me with a razor the third man held my head back, ready to pour water down my throat if I screamed. Nevertheless, medical research on the topic has generated an ambiguous set of results regarding the impact of circumcision on the lives of men. [13] Recently, Isaac Soon has argued that 1 Macc 2:46 does not refer to circumcision "by force" but that Mattathias circumcised "in strength". check) movie Platoon one guy trying to get out of jungle made comment he would tell he needed to be circumcised to get out of field dutys while. Recovery. It was not mandatory. For the Army, that would be the nearest Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, the center judge advocate of the medical center where the alleged malpractice occurred, or with the tort claims division of the Army Claims Service at Fort Meade, Maryland. Though the conditions on such ships were awful, thats not why they have a place on this list. Forced circumcision is the circumcision of men against their will. Its a bit hard to picture the USMC requiring an action that a lot of guys at the time (prior to it becoming routine practice in hospitals) would have considered Jewish. My circumcision was mentioned without much comment at the initial medical I was asked if it had to be done for medical reasons or at birth (in my case the latter). Do uncircumcised guys get forced to get a circumcision in the military? Input and information from other guys (and their partners) is what keeps this site alive and helps it grow. 9 Soviet POWs Punished By Their Own Comrades However, army pattern clothing became available, ration controlled, possibly obtained through Red Cross sources but undoubtedly some was material captured by the Germans in various places. I heard that the doc uses or gives such a patient an ampule of a chemical (anyone?) 2007 Nov;29(11):1147-58. doi: 10.1002/bies.20654. [17] After the First Roman-Jewish War, a head tax, the Fiscus Judaicus, was levied against all Jews. -- Stephen Losey can be reached at In 2002, there was a report that non-Muslim army recruits in Turkey had been threatened with forced circumcision. [24] Diaspora Jews might circumcise their male slaves as well as adult male converts and Jewish male infants. Routine Infant Circumcision is commonly performed in the United States as well as Canada. Equine surgery is expensive so boys loose testicles because they are easy to find (most of the time) and conveniently located outside the body cavity. The new rules set a strict deadline to make claims. Mr John Otieko was cornered by a mob stripped naked, frog-marched to a nearby river and covered with clay then brought to Mayoni trading centre to be circumcised as an excited crowd watched. Would you like email updates of new search results?,%E2%80%9344%20(Table%201). Circumcision is the surgical removal of foreskin. Lerner. I was asked a couple of times if not wearing underwear would sandpaper the head and be constantly uncomfortable, but theres reasons for both circumcision and wearing no underwear being popular in hot countries- trapped sweat and everything bunched up, I found super uncomfortable. Why do you think the uncircumcised envy their cut friends? As the Sultan's standing army, Janissaries were instrumental in the Empire: trained by the Ottoman Turkish officials, these Christian children were brainwashed to kill their own people (Papazian 1971; Erdem 1996). I believe (? The Portuguese Friar Jaono dos Sanctos claimed that, annually in Algiers in the 1620s, more than nine hundred Christian slaves were converted to Islam, "besides about fifty boys yearly circumcised against their wills. Read: You see, hell ships were normally just reconstituted transport ships; outside observers often had no clue that they contained hundreds of their own imprisoned men. I had hoped to join the Grenadier Guards as an officer but, to my great frustration, had to drop out of training due to a minor injury, so went into financial management instead The upper classes probably constitute much less than 1% of British society, but almost certainly account for the highest percentage of men circumcised for non-religious reasons. One night, one of his fellow soldiers (who either wasn't very observant, extremely sheltered, or just kind of stupid) comes up to him and says, "Hey, Kupelman, I hear there's a Jew in our unit.". Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue. Anyway, I had an Army doctor perform the procedure on me. There is ample evidence that, for years, Christians of Khartoum and elsewhere in Sudan have been forcefully converted to Islam, and that Christian men and boys have been forcibly circumcised. 99% of your riding/horse work will consist of walking around so have a horse that can do that as well. However, here in Europe, it wasnt done universally. [14], Greeks and Romans regarded circumcision as a mutilation of the male genitalia, but the practice is little discussed in Roman literary sources until the second century of the Christian era. In South East Asians such as Vietnamese, as well as Japanese and Chinese, the foreskin tends to be short and the custom is to wear it pulled back after puberty. "[35] Asia News reported in 2004 that the Justice and Peace Commission of Lahor spoke out against young non-Muslim men in Pakistan being converted and circumcised against their will. In those days, two and a half thousand years ago, victorious armies, in addition to massacring defeated people, sometimes branded the losing army and the civilian population. Sometime between 128 and 132 AD, the emperor Hadrian seems to have temporarily banned circumcision, on pain of death. Home Forums General Military Circumcision. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Tripler [4] In South Africa, custom allows uncircumcised Xhosa-speaking men past the age of circumcision (i.e., 25 years or older) to be overpowered by other men and forcibly circumcised. Forced circumcision is the circumcision of men and boys against their will. Privacy Policy. Bloomberg Government reported in February that troops had filed 227 malpractice claims that had yet to be adjudicated, with a potential total value of $2.16 billion. Horror stories about the treatment of POWs by the Vietnamese are all too common. Zayas, "The Istanbul Pogrom"; see also Vryonis. Continue Reading. I believe more circumcision happened in the army, because the military service was the first time that young men were away from home. I seems to have a curiosity about what difference forskin makes. [37], Iraqi Mandaeans, residing almost exclusively in Baghdad and Basra, do not circumcise. The article is available online: "Bagisu flee circumcision", The Monitor, Kampala, 25 August 2004. Hi If so, what can I do to avoid it? As a result, rhetoric has reached a fever pitch as each side of the debate appeals to divergent criteria to make its case. and our Its not common anymore in Canada, but she lives in Hawaii and I live in Washington where it is still very common. I applied, unsuccessfully, to become a British Army Officer; I had to drop out half way through training. This post is for those circumcised while in the military. According to Milica Z. Bookman, the breakup of Yugoslavia "was extremely violent, producing some two million refugees, over 100,000 killed, and evidence of gang rape, impaling, dismemberment and forced circumcision. They threatened him with an extension of his military stay if he kept fighting back. A World War II medical report from the U.S. Army referred to the "enormous man-hour loss from disease peculiar to the uncircumcised man," and stated that "hospital admission from . For four days, the men were forced to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a space only constructed to hold as few as one thousand people. around 20% of uk men are circumcised by their mid forties. Summary. I spent only a few weeks in the British army as an officer cadet before failing a test. "[67], According to South African newspapers, the subsequent trial became "a landmark case around forced circumcision". [2] Forced circumcisions have occurred in a wide range of situations, most notably in the compulsory conversion of non-Muslims to Islam[3] and the forced circumcision of Teso, Turkana and Luo men in Kenya, as well as the abduction of South African teenage boys to so-called circumcision schools ("bush schools"). Forcing people do undergo the ancient ritual has, in recent times, caused concern among human rights organisations (In) one instance two Rastafarians objected to the procedure on religious grounds. Anti-circumcision advocates deny that they are motivated by anti-Semitic or anti-Islamic feelings. Three weeks previously, village neighbours in Aedomoru sub location in Teso north armed themselves with clubs and prevented a 35-year-old man from being forcibly circumcised. [28] Scholars conclude that, during the Islamic conquest of the Middle East and North Africa, forced conversion to Islam through violence or threat of violence did not play a key role. Early in 2008, the Rwandan Ministry of Health declared its intention to include circumcision - scientifically proven to reduce a man's risk of contracting the virus from an infected . It was wartime after all, and there must have been a good reason? I kept screaming aloud and vomited. and transmitted securely. Only the seriously disabled or sick are exempt. Maluku refugees allege forced circumcision. They asked for my ID [to determine what tribe he belonged to] They slashed me and they circumcised me by force. We also had our sons circumcised. Made up statistic and personal opinion klaxon! The most poignant example of the sheer disregard for human life reaches us via Tom Simmen, a photographer who managed to document the brutality, and show that it wasnt limited to one side. They save money on the whole thing and just kick us in the balls occasionally. Welcome to the WWII Forums! The site is secure. He wasnt, so guess what, they circucmsied him. Hotaling JM, Leddy LS, Haider MA, Mossanen M, Bailey MR, MacConaghy B, Olson F, Krieger JN. Was this policy maintained through the war? I found this out many years later when, as an adult, i asked my mother why she decided to have me circucmised. 2005 Jul;14(7):1710-6. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-04-0926. Just observation. He further reported that one of the clerics urinated on his wound, saying it would stop infection. These businesses suggest they can provide quick turnaround times on claims and higher benefit checks than if veterans choose Copyright 2023 In China, as elsewhere, many men have to get circumcised as adults because of problems with their foreskin. Luo men from Western Kenya are a significant exception, for which reason they have regularly been subjected to forced circumcision. Do any current militaries require circumcision? Accessed at. Looks are not everything and that is just one of many wonderful lessons my mare has taught me. Being a prisoner of war is no better either: here are ten of the worst things done to POWs throughout history. The value of Tricare coverage, including Tricare for Life for a disability retiree, family or survivors, also could be deducted from malpractice damage awards. A dozen men were seized and stripped naked before they were forced to undergo circumcisions in western Kenya as part of a 'ceremony', it has been reported. I cant crash a color dream, I always wanted a black/white pinto what I have is a course headed, brown, mare that interferes and one trainer labeled a killer (for the record I believe this trainer was on drugs). Every soldier, sailor, airman is obligated to refuse to. [58] In August 2002, following a violent incident in Butere/Mumias District, a district commissioner instructed the police to "crack down on traditional surgeons involved in forcible circumcision. My dad was drafted into the Army just before WWII, later went through OCS and was commissioned and was not required to undergo circumcision either to enter the Army or to be commissioned. Choosing Circumcision is a site I pay for out of pocket because other men need it, and because without it there just isn't any first-hand experience to be found on the internet. Do I need to lie that I'm already circumcised, and will I ever have to be naked around other people? If the Commander in Chief gives it an unlawful order the Military is obligated to refuse to obey it. I do not endorse any particular doctor or medical group. R1 Maccabees relates the story of how Mattathias (ca. [71] Examples of Dinka boys having been forcibly circumcised in the 1990s and 2000s are known from the context of traditional slavery,[72] still endemic in Sudan. So what happens to a non-practicing Jewish male who's parents never had him circumcised? (288). Forced circumcision of British troops, the symbols of the country's strength and masculinity (293), was psychically akin to castration and was . Has the US military ever mandated circumcision. [5] Routine infant circumcision, as performed in many highly developed nations such as the United States and South Korea, may also be classified as forced circumcision, even if performed in a clinical setting. This is supported by all the Bagishu including women who often report uncircumcised men to tribal elders. 6. For active-duty service members, this means "almost any injury or illness" that occurred from medical care received at a military treatment facility from a DoD health care provider would qualify. The majority of DMI's government contracts are with the U.S. military - in particular, Army and Navy special operation units. So young and already in this depraved environment. 13.257-258; the Itureans in A.J. This week, a court in Berlin made circumcision officially legal but extended the authority to perform them only to doctors, which some say remains an impingement on the most elemental of Jewish .

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