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Operation Winter Storm, a relief effort by Army Group Don under Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, was launched in December. Realizing their blunder, the Soviet military command ordered the 2nd Guards Army under the command of Lieutenant-General Rodion Malinovsky to the battle zone. Magdeburgisches) Nr. However, the lack of food and ammunition, equipment losses and the deteriorating physical condition of the German troops gradually wore down the German defense. [2] On 25 October 1940 he served as chief of staff in 5th Army Corps, a position he held until 25 March 1942, when he moved to the Fhrerreserve at Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH). Hitler, leery of the reasons for Paulus' transfer to Nizhne-Chirskaya, orders him to move his HQ again. On 30 January, Paulus informed Hitler that his men were only hours from collapse. Get the week's best stories straight to your inbox. A Gnther Angern D Alexander Edler von Daniels Heinrich-Anton Deboi Moritz von Drebber F Max Fremerey G Eccard Freiherr von Gablenz H Alexander von Hartmann Walter Heitz With a reunited Germany having good relations with the two great powers, not only can peace not be disrupted in Europe, but the basis for the development of general prosperity is laid. brought to the divisional doctor, Oberstarzt Dr. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Later, Paulus briefly commanded a motorized battalion (193435) before being named chief of staff for Panzer headquarters in October 1935. The recently formed Army Group Don under the command of Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, reinforced with divisions transferred from the North Caucasus and Western Europe, was tasked with opening a corridor to the city. Gerhard Hindenlang was born 1916 in Berlin. This is on page 194. Schmidt joined the army as a one-year volunteer on 10 August 1914, attaining the rank of Leutnant on 8 May 1915. After leaving university without a degree, he joined the 111th Infantry Regiment as an officer cadet in February 1910. In 1920s, as part of the military cooperation between Weimar Republic and Soviet Union to escape Treaty of Versailles, Paulus presented guest lectures in Moscow, Soviet Union.[8]. According to captured Germans, it was there that the headquarters of Friedrich Pauluss 6th Army was stationed. 12 Dec 2013. Hitler for permission for Paulus to. 26. The basement was literally packed with soldiers - there were hundreds of them here. A fluent German speaker, Captain Dyatlenko was transferred to the 7th Department of the Stalingrad Front in the autumn of 1942 to help . "Award Document to General der Panzertruppe Paulus, Item Number: EU4642". with these words he opened the door and a Soviet general and his interpreter entered the room. Soviet and German soldiers who just a few hours earlier had been firing on each other stood calmly next to one another in the courtyard holding their guns in their hands or slung on their shoulder. [1] On 19 January, Major Thiel was sent by VIII Air Corps to assess the runway at Gumrak and see whether further landings by Luftwaffe supply aircraft would be possible. The dispatch came early this morningit was the last one.'. And anyway, my new uniform will hardly be of any use to me now, the commander added with a wry smile. When I say that we Germans must focus above all on the unity and independence of Germany, on the affirmation of the vital national rights of our nation, I realize that in this way we are best serving the cause of peace, of international dtente and reconciliation between peoples. I was taken by surprise" in conversation with Marshal Voronov. On the same plane as him Schmidt was appointed chief of staff to General Friedrich Paulus in Sixth Army on 15 May 1942, replacing Colonel Ferdinand Heim after the counter-attack against Marshal Semyon Timoshenko at the Second Battle of Kharkov. Establishing good neighborly relations with the countries that surround us from east and west is crucial for our national existence. Interrogation of captured German officers led Soviet commanders to realise that, because of the toll of events on Paulus's nerves, Schmidt was the real commander of the defending forces. Okay, October. In deciding to promote him, Hitler noted that there was no known record of a Prussian or German field marshal ever having surrendered. [14], On 7 January 1943 General Konstantin Rokossovsky, commander of the Red Army on the Don front, called a cease-fire and offered Paulus' men generous surrender terms: normal rations, medical treatment for the ill and wounded, permission to retain their badges, decorations, uniforms and personal effects. XIV. [19], Shortly before surrendering, Paulus sent his wedding ring back to his wife on the last plane departing his position. While the Field Marshal was tidying himself up in the room next door, the Soviet negotiators presented his generals with an ultimatum: The encircled grouping must immediately stop any resistance, lay down its weapons and surrender to the Soviet troops in an orderly manner. eMedals, Web. Climbing out of the cellar, I stood dumbfounded. [9] At Nizhne-Chirskaya on 22 November, Schmidt told 8th Air Corps's commander, General Martin Fiebig, that Sixth Army needed to be resupplied by air. But how shockingly different their external appearance was! recalled Wilhelm Adam, adjutant to the 6th Army commander. However, suicide rearguard regiments put up the usual hopeless and violent last stand battles in the streets. As part of his last will and testament, his body was transported to Baden-Baden, West Germany, to be buried at the Hauptfriedhof (main cemetery)[24] next to his wife, who had died eight years earlier in 1949, not having seen her husband since his departure for the Eastern Front in the summer of 1942. Adolf Hitler prohibited attempts to break out or capitulate, and German defence was gradually worn down. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Street fighting was still under way in the center of Stalingrad when German officers, accompanied by Soviet commanding officers, set off in vehicles to order their units to cease firing. [6] Many false reports of the massing of Soviet forces were received from the Romanian sector, so when Stck radioed at 5 a.m. on 19 November that an offensive (marking the start of Operation Uranus, the Soviet encirclement of Axis forces) was about to begin, Schmidt, who was furious when disturbed by false alarms, was not informed,[7] although he was awoken twenty minutes later when it became clear that this was no false alarm. And, until now, the 6th Army was regarded as the best field army in the Wehrmacht. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg hatte Schmidt mehrere Stabspositionen inne. 1955 wurde er aus der Gefangenschaft entlassen. Paulus led the drive on Stalingrad that summer. [22] The envoys were even fired on; Paulus denied that he had ordered this, so it is possible that Schmidt might have issued the order. My God, what a contrast between the two sides! After all the formalities had been settled and the Field Marshal had received guarantees of his personal safety, he was led out of the basement, along with his staff officers. [2] On 26 January 1942 he was awarded the German Cross in Gold.[3]. Less than a year. There, they encountered the freshly-formed Soviet 2nd Guards Army that had finally arrived on the scene. For us Germans, this is particularly indicative. [32] When their baggage was searched for sharp metal objects, Schmidt, referring to Paulus, snapped at the Soviet officers: "A German Field Marshal does not commit suicide with a pair of scissors. It formed part of the German Third Army that enacted the attack on France and Belgium in August 1914 as part of the pre-war Schlieffen Plan. report to Hitlers headquarters to personally Arthur Schmidt (25 October 1895 5 November 1987) was an officer in the German military from 1914 to 1943. In late 1956, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and became progressively weaker. Am 6. Schmidt was appointed chief of staff to General Friedrich Paulus in Sixth Army on 15 May 1942, replacing Colonel Ferdinand Heim after the counter-attack against Marshal Semyon Timoshenko at the Second Battle of Kharkov. He told the journalist to tell the wives and mothers that their husbands and sons were well. But as soon as a tank passed over an entrenchment, our men - soldiers, sergeants and officers - got up again and opened fire on the departing armored vehicles.. Even the best army is doomed to fail when it is required to perform impossible tasks, that is, when it is ordered to campaign against the national existence of other peoples.[23]. Oktober 1895 in Hamburg; 5. Army "[11] When told that this was impossible, he replied that "more than 10,000 wounded and the bulk of the heavy weapons and vehicles would have to be left behind. The German [11] Schmidt maintained that the army, which would adopt a "hedgehog" defence, must be resupplied, but that the situation was not yet so desperate as there were plenty of horses left that could serve as food. His troops fought Soviet forces defending Stalingrad for over three months in increasingly brutal urban warfare. 26, [2][3], deutscher Generalleutnant im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Zuletzt bearbeitet am 24. Its appalling pronounced Paulus somberly. [5] Ignoring Hitler's 'Fhrer instruction' of 30 June 1942 that Axis formations should not liaise with their neighbours, Schmidt authorised an officer from Sixth Army, Lieutenant Gerhard Stck, to be issued with a radio and join up with Romanian forces to the north-west of Stalingrad to help with intelligence gathering. Believing that an attempt to break the encirclement would be made here, the Soviet command attached special importance to the sector and intensively reinforced it. Schmidt was not a man of great tactical skill, daring or initiative; rather he was characterised by a stubborn optimism, tenacity and a willingness to obey the orders of his superiors without question. They had huddled here to hide from the mortar fire, recalled the senior lieutenant. Snow fell from our vehicle tracks. 139142; other examples are Allen and Muratoff's The Russian Campaigns of 19411943, published in 1944[5] and Peter Margaritis (2019). He Stalingrad archives of Jason Mark, Manfred Kehrig - Friedrich Paulus on the way to the Soviet 64th Army HQ. exact date unknow end Nov. - early December 1942, flew out : in the evening of 22 January 1943 - ordered to. Er wurde am 15. After the Soviet troops opened intensive fire from machine guns and mortars on the building at about six oclock in the morning, the shooting from the German side stopped. Behr had an important task once he was free of But the city held, aided by the very destruction heaped on it by the Luftwaffe and Nazi tanks and artillery. He was allowed to move to the German Democratic Republic in 1953, two years before the repatriation of the remaining German POWs. Other historians, such as Mitcham, agree: As the situation in Stalingrad deteriorated, Paulus's self-confidence declined, and he allowed himself (and 6th Army) to be more and more guided by his chief of staff, until Arthur Schmidt was virtually conducting the battle for the German side. They were all armed, some with weapons in their hands, some with them over their shoulders. the evening of 13 January 1943. We have been punished for pursuing the policy of violent and lightning strikes that is now being cultivated, and we know what it has cost us. said Paulus after reading the dispatch. Rudolf Schmidt (12 May 1886 - 7 April 1957) was a general in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II who commanded the 2nd Panzer Army on the Eastern Front. [4] The British historian and author Antony Beevor offers the following description of Schmidt: [He was] a slim, sharp-featured and sharp-tongued staff officer from a Hamburg mercantile family. Paulus was promoted to lieutenant general in August 1940. In November 1941, after German Sixth Army's commander Field Marshal Walter von ReichenauPaulus' patronbecame commander of the entire Army Group South, Paulus, who had never commanded a larger unit than a battalion, was promoted to General der Panzertruppe and became commander of the Sixth Army. On the afternoon of 22 November, Schmidt flew with Paulus to the new Sixth Army HQ at Gumrak. [9] However, he only took over his new command on 20 January, six days after the sudden death of Reichenau,[10] leaving him on his own and without the support of his more experienced sponsor. He is not here. In comparison . On December 18, the 4th Mechanized Corps which had particularly distinguished itself in the fighting here was awarded the title of Guards Corps. Schmidt joined the army as a one-year volunteer on 10 August 1914, attaining the rank of Leutnant on 8 May 1915. Paulus took part in the Poland and Low Countries campaigns, after which he was named deputy chief of the German Army General Staff. Hitler awarded the Knight's Cross to Schmidt on 6 January 1943 on the same day that Paulus signalled to General Kurt Zeitzler: "Army starving and frozen, have no ammunition and cannot move tanks any more" [25] and made him Generalleutnant on 17 January. "[18], On 18 or 19 December, Major Eismann was sent by Field Marshal Erich von Manstein to brief Paulus and Schmidt on Operation Donnerschlag, Army Group Don's plan, not sanctioned by Hitler, for the Sixth Army to break out and incorporate itself in Manstein's Army Group. The Germans had already had the successful experience of using an air bridge to resupply the 100,000-strong II Army Corps cut off near Demyansk at the beginning of the same year and successfully releasing it from its trap after several months of encirclement. The negotiators were met by the commander of the Wehrmachts 71st Infantry Division, Maj-Gen Friedrich Roske, and the 6th Armys chief of staff, Gen. Arthur Schmidt. Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Paulus (23 September 1890 1 February 1957) was a German field marshal during World War II who is best known for commanding the 6th Army during the Battle of Stalingrad (August 1942 to February 1943). After a leave of absence due to illness, he joined the Alpenkorps as a staff officer, serving in France, Romania and Serbia. Soviet soldiers, who seized the headquarters of Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus. In that capacity, Paulus helped plan the invasion of the Soviet Union. [1], Schmidt held various positions in the Heer, including chief of operations in Fifth Army (25.08.3912.10.39) and Eighteenth Army (05.11.3901.10.40). Click here to find out more. The Germans started to withdraw, pursued by Malinovskys 2nd Guards Army which had begun a counterattack on December 24. January 1943). The area around the department store had by then come under the full control of Soviet infantry and Wehrmacht soldiers were clearing sectors that had been mined. Interrogation of captured German officers led Soviet commanders to realise that, because of the toll of events on Paulus's nerves, Schmidt was the real commander of the defending forces. And the mission would have had to be accomplished by troops who were thoroughly weary through lack of food and whose mobility had been almost completely lost. This decision to stand firm in a "hedgehog" defence sealed Sixth Army's fate. have Handlungsfreiheit (freedom of action). Most significantly, he promoted Paulus to field marshal. The following month he was named deputy chief of the German General Staff (Oberquartiermeister I). Schmidt was appointed chief of staff to General Friedrich Paulus in Sixth Army on 15 May 1942, replacing Colonel Ferdinand Heim after the counter-attack against Marshal Semyon Timoshenko at the Second Battle of Kharkov. Russians consider it to be one of the greatest battles of their Great Patriotic War, and most historians consider it to be the greatest battle of the entire conflict. He attained the rank of Generalleutnant during World War II, and is best known for his role as the Sixth Army's chief of staff in the Battle of Stalingrad in 194243, during the final stages of which he became its de facto commander, playing a large role in executing Hitler's order that it stand firm despite being encircled by the Red Army.

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